“To be beautiful means to be yourself, you don’t need to be accepted by others, you need to accept yourself.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
Achieving health, fitness and effortlessly loving how you look is a goal many people share. What is often overlooked however, is that the most crucial part of changing how you look is actually changing how you think and how you feel, especially about yourself.
Take a moment to picture yourself at your ideal size, going about your typical day, perhaps going out with friends for the evening, and feeling good about the way you look – perhaps wearing clothes you feel great in, feeling full of energy and confidence, feeling like the real you. It feels amazing doesn’t it?
Imagining yourself as you truly want to be is such a powerful experience, and sadly it is the complete opposite of the negative mindset that often develops when you are unhappy with how you look. If you start the day by looking in the mirror and disliking what you see, you are starting a negative chemical reaction in your brain that lasts all day. This becomes the start of a vicious cycle where you don’t feel confident, you might become irritable, you might feel like a failure or feel worthless. You might well find your mind is so preoccupied by these unpleasant feelings, that your work, family and personal life become strained and unhappy. Everything you’ve tried seems to work for a short while, but when your weight starts creeping up, feelings of hopelessness and desperation begin to surface again.
There is another, more lasting, way to lose weight and keep it off.
Many people have found Solution Focused Hypnotherapy very successful at helping them to break out of this negative cycle and achieve lasting weight loss, by encouraging them to focus on the future they want, rather than how life is right now.
Through hypnosis we can enable your subconscious mind to make small changes and alter the way you react to the stresses and events of your life. As these changes in your thinking become automatic, you will naturally start to feel better and the weight will start to drop off. The first step on the path to permanent and effortless weight loss begins by focusing on adjusting the way you think, not adjusting the food you eat!
Hypnotherapy is a wonderful, relaxing and effortless way to actually change the thoughts you have about yourself, your body and the food you eat. The solution focused approach I use will focus on you as a complete person, bringing positive changes to many unexpected areas of your life, as well as changing your size. Working together, you will become a lot more confident and happier in yourself. As the healthier, stress free version of you starts to appear, you will quickly notice a change in your eating patterns and your size. A slimmer, healthier, happier you will begin to emerge!
Wonderful and sustainable changes, and a healthy new you are just a small step away!