“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”
William James
We are all designed to survive. Every single one of us has a number of hardwired, inbuilt systems to keep us safe and secure. Often the most significant of these is our ability to stay alert – to recognise and respond to danger immediately. Without this ability the human species would not have survived very long. When something goes wrong with this system however, we end up struggling to switch off these ‘high alert’ signals in our brain, and our stress levels quickly spiral out of control.
Anxiety and stress can creep up on even the strongest person without them noticing. You might wake up one day and realise that you feel like a shadow of your former self – the self who used to do things without a second thought, and with total confidence. You might even find yourself asking “what on earth happened to me? This isn’t who I am!”
The signs are familiar; the racing heart, the sweaty palms, the churning stomach, that feeling of fear that floods your body. These feelings may appear when you are faced with an uncertain situation, a problem, or a major life event. For some people these feeling are manageable and fade away, but for others, far from going away, they seem to get stronger and stronger over time. When these feelings of fear interfere with your every day life; work, relationships, education, home life – you know it’s time to seek support.
Today, the threats we as humans face have changed, but a primitive part our mind is still primed for this anxiety reaction. Rather than being on the lookout for dangerous animals stalking us, we have a series of smaller but almost constant events, triggering the very same part of our brains. Traffic jams, car payments due, work deadlines, health worries, parenting challenges, difficult managers… many people feel they are under attack from every angle all the time, and don’t know where to turn for help.
Will Hypnotherapy for anxiety help me?
For many people, seeking professional help to control their anxiety is the first step to a whole new world of calmness, happiness and self belief.
Do you suffer with:
- Problems with sleep – difficulty falling asleep, waking throughout the night, feeling exhausted
- Excessive worrying or imagining the worst case scenario
- Panic attacks.
- Avoiding certain situations e.g. meeting friends in a cafe or applying for a new job.
- Feelings of being inadequate, overwhelmed or scared of change.
- Being short tempered, snappy and more irritable than usual
- Feeling agitated, restless and unable to ‘switch off’
- Over eating or under eating, weight gain or weight loss
If this sounds like you, hypnotherapy may well be the perfect solution to your anxiety.
Through the natural way techniques of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, we can help you break that cycle of worry and fear, safely and effectively.
“I found the sessions with Kate to be really relaxing and peaceful. I looked forward to them each week and knew I would come away feeling happy…”
How I can help you live life free from anxiety?
One of the central elements of my practise is the belief that each of us already holds all the skills we need to heal ourselves. Sometimes however, we all need a helping hand to rediscover just how strong and capable we really are.
One of the wonderful things about using hypnotherapy to overcome anxiety is that the process feels so easy and is actually enjoyable! Each step of the way, with my guidance, you decide the future you want, and together we work to create it.
My clients frequently tell me that all of a sudden they realise they are in the middle of doing the very thing that they have struggled with for so long – and it feels so natural and easy that they hadn’t even noticed. The feelings of fear have gone, the worrying thoughts have gone, they feel completely at easy and relaxed.
If you would like to overcome your anxiety for good and take the first step to feeling great, I would love to hear from you.